Home/June 2014 Articles

Margaret Laird

Anthony Kilmister reflects on the life of Margaret Laird and her many years of service to the Church Margaret Laird, OBE, the former Third Church Estates Commissioner who died in the London Clinic on 11 May, was always a steadfast, [...]

2017-10-10T21:01:58+00:00June 2014 Articles|

Pro-gay and pro-matrimony

Nicholas Turner was disturbed by Stephen Keeble's article and continues to support the Bishops of The Society I share with Stephen Keeble his desire for clear teaching on `marriage and sexuality' [ND May], but am worried by his own confusions. [...]

2017-10-10T21:01:24+00:00June 2014 Articles|

Blessed John Henry Newman,

the Eucharist and the Sacraments Mark McIntyre looks at Newman's writings on the Eucharist and his understanding of sacramental doctrine Some of the biographies of John Henry Newman can generate deep emotion in the reader. For instance when, long after [...]

2017-10-10T21:00:56+00:00June 2014 Articles|


Simon Cuff explains the concept of community organizing, and its affinities with Catholic social teaching What unites a 17-year-old who chairs a meeting with executives from a well-known national media corporation, a community of nuns who deposit a month's worth [...]

2017-10-10T21:00:19+00:00June 2014 Articles|

No more meddling

Thomas Carpenter supports the call for an end to political control of the Church of England More generally speaking, about the separation of religion and politics. As it happens, my personal view — I'm not pretending this is something that's [...]

2017-10-10T20:59:52+00:00June 2014 Articles|

Holy oil

The Bishop of Ebbsfleet reflects on the three oils blessed at the Chrism Mass Holy Week is the very core of the memory and identity of Christians. In one way, as the Carthusians say, 'The cross stands fixed while the [...]

2017-10-10T20:48:17+00:00June 2014 Articles|

Santo Subito!

William Davage on papal attitudes to the political extremes of the twentieth century In the April issue of New Directions, I reviewed a book which detailed the political and diplomatic collusion between the Vatican and the Fascist Government of Benito [...]

2017-10-10T20:47:47+00:00June 2014 Articles|

Women Bishops 2:

Resolving Disputes Last month Colin Podmore outlined the legislation. Now he looks at the Resolution of Disputes Procedure. Are we now simply relying on trust where before we relied on law? No. The Act of Synod is not part of [...]

2017-10-10T20:47:18+00:00June 2014 Articles|

Doing the Willesden Walk

Andrew Hammond on the ongoing revival of devotion to Our Lady of Willesden In north-west London there is a path from St Matthew's Willesden (which is actually in Harlesden) to St Mary's Willesden (which is actually in Neasden), appropriately enough [...]

2017-10-10T20:46:09+00:00June 2014 Articles|
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