Home/september 2020 articles


We are grateful to the Archbishops of Canterbury and York for putting into place provision for the consecration of bishops in order that all might flourish in the Church of England. As they acknowledged in their statement: “These new arrangements [...]

2020-10-20T13:22:53+00:00september 2020 articles|

‘Divine Speech’

Stephen Wilson continues his considerations of Theology and the Art of the Possible  We saw in Part I (New Directions June 2020) how the philosopher Gilbert Ryle identified a whole class of expressions (such as working, playing, or farming) as [...]

2020-10-20T13:22:11+00:00september 2020 articles|

Ghostly Counsel

Spiritual Exercise Andy Hawes  Readers can take comfort from the fact that although the ‘lockdown’ ended for golf courses before churches at least churches seemed to higher up the league table than gyms and spas. Never having been in a [...]

2020-10-20T13:21:29+00:00september 2020 articles|

Culture and Anarchy

William Davage considers the adage that “the past is another country: they do things differently there.” In retrospect, amidst the pandemic and its tragic consequences for so many,  two instances may have been defining. One, which may have seemed at [...]

2020-10-20T13:20:57+00:00september 2020 articles|

Faithful Servant

Paul Bagott remembers Father Bill Scott “but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.” Chapter Fifteen of St John’s Gospel is an extraordinary passage which would [...]

2020-10-20T13:20:25+00:00september 2020 articles|

Secular Liturgies

Tom Sutcliffe considers the plight of Sheffield Cathedral Choir In 1983 when Meredith and I moved with our children and her mother to Streatham, the new vicar of St Peter’s, Leigham Court Road had just sacked the organist and choirmaster. [...]

2020-10-20T13:19:50+00:00september 2020 articles|

WYP @ Home

Some reflections from you people on  joining in the Walsingham Youth Pilgrimage @ Home 2020 hasn’t been the best of years. School was cancelled, clubs were cancelled, shops were closed. Nearly everything stopped, but not our faith.  And then the [...]

2020-10-20T13:19:16+00:00september 2020 articles|

The House of the Lord

Jonathan Baker considers the importance of place Today we are celebrating the anniversary of the laying of the foundation stone of this church. It’s not a ‘big’ anniversary, a number like 100 or 125 or 150, but I would venture [...]

2020-10-20T13:18:34+00:00september 2020 articles|

Oppression in Zimbabwe

A Lawyer in Zimbabwe writes about the situation there Covid-19 has been slow making an impact in Zimbabwe but has recently started multiplying. Lockdown restrictions may be necessary to stop the virus but it has brought great hardship and hunger [...]

2020-10-20T13:18:02+00:00september 2020 articles|
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