last chronicle
Here at New Directions we always try to have our fingers firmly on the pulse of all that takes place in the modern Church of England. With the introduction of Common Tenure your parish priest will be dashing off to [...]
Here at New Directions we always try to have our fingers firmly on the pulse of all that takes place in the modern Church of England. With the introduction of Common Tenure your parish priest will be dashing off to [...]
These two websites are commended to all members of Forward in Faith: Friends of the Ordinariate ... for Anglicans in the UK who wish to signify their interest in the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus without committing themselves to any [...]
We live in extraordinary times. In the past month the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham has come into being and groups are beginning to gather to begin their journey together. All has not been quiet for those who look [...]
Thank you From Bishop Robert Ladds SSC As due thanks and praise are expressed and recorded for those who have worked unstintingly for Forward in Faith, it seems timely also to pay tribute to those who committed themselves tirelessly in [...]
Bend it like Atkinson Many thanks to the Church Times for reporting that a British Sporting Heroes exhibition in Worcester Cathedral last August displayed memorabilia loaned from six national sports museums and three private collec tions, and included items such [...]
Withcote Chapel, Leics East of Leicester and to the north of the A47, much of High Leicestershire is a place of undulating landscape and delectable emptiness, with satisfying vistas in a minor key. Opposite Withcote Hall, the chapel is a [...]
Carmen Mid-West Tom Sutcliffe on a lively but unsuccessful transposition of Carmen to the American mid-West An opera like Carmen brings out all sorts of attitudes in its audience and critics. Opera North’s new production by Daniel Kramer at the [...]
The Ordinariate way of the Cross Ed Tomlinson gives a personal account of the painful but worthwhile journey to the Ordinariate Walking from the Church of England to embrace the Ordinariate is increasingly feeling like a walk on the way [...]
1061 and all that! There can be few images of devotion that mean more to Catholics in England than that of Our Lady of Walsingham. Our Lady holds on her knee the infant Jesus as if showing him to the [...]
Holiness Jean-Pierre de Caussade It is the designs of God that are the fulfilment of all our moments. They manifest themselves in a thousand different ways which thus become our successive duties, and form, increase and perfect the ‘new man’ [...]