Home/March 2006 Articles


Canada Dissolving marriage In mid-January, Canada was rocked by news that a Justice Department study had called for the decriminalization and regulation of polygamy. Actually, two government studies recommended decriminalizing polygamy. (Only one has been reported on.) And even that [...]

2017-09-27T17:52:00+00:00March 2006 Articles|

Letters to the editor

Humiliating brew From Mrs Wendy Redvers Harris While there is much that is good in the TEA proposals, I would dread the sickening prospect, every five years, of having to attend a Special Parochial Church Meeting to find out whether [...]

2017-09-27T17:51:16+00:00March 2006 Articles|

Last Chronicle

V. Gene Robinson, the first openly-homosexual Episcopalian bishop, came under attack today for a recent statement in which he called his alcoholism a ‘disease’ for which he’s getting treatment. ‘Bishop Robinson has reinforced the stereotype that being a drunk is [...]

2017-09-27T17:50:42+00:00March 2006 Articles|

& finally

It was amusing to hear ND quoted in General Synod, albeit unattributed. It was by our favourite cheeky chappy of the moment, Bishop Pete Broadbent: ‘TEA has been described as a pragmatic evangelical solution to a catholic problem.’ As the [...]

2017-09-27T17:50:16+00:00March 2006 Articles|

Forward in Faith update

Bishops, bishops, bishops . . . The International Bishops’ Conference on Faith & Order was founded in 1991 by the then Bishops of Fort Worth and London, Clarence Pope and Graham Leonard, as a direct response to the developments taking [...]

2017-09-27T17:49:41+00:00March 2006 Articles|

30 Days

New ways of being church Ruth Gledhill, Times Religion Correspondent and blushing-bride-to-be, reports that, in preference to TEA, many in the Synod would prefer WINE – women in a new episcopate. 30Days likes a drop of wine, it’s true, and [...]

2017-09-27T17:49:14+00:00March 2006 Articles|

Touching Place

Thaxted Church, Essex Thaxted church stands on a hill at the upper end of the small town it dominates, and its spire is visible for miles. Although the present building came into being over nearly two centuries, it has a [...]

2017-09-27T17:48:40+00:00March 2006 Articles|

Scandal & treachery

Why pagans are scandalized by the wickedness of those who claim a higher calling Patrick Henry Reardon is a Senior Editor of Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity Real pagans, if they are also good and sane pagans, are obliged [...]

2017-09-27T17:48:10+00:00March 2006 Articles|

Faith of our Fathers

Arthur Middleton on the continuing of Catholic order The Church of England has the right and authority to continue Catholic order, but is not free to choose the methods for doing this. ‘Scripture and the Primitive Church are the criteria [...]

2017-09-27T17:47:39+00:00March 2006 Articles|

the way we live now

Why are so many people so reluctant to pray? Geoffrey Kirk on 'I'll be thinking of you' A friend of mine was recently in hospital for a potentially life threatening operation. She is a popular person with many friends both [...]

2017-09-27T17:47:11+00:00March 2006 Articles|
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