Home/March 2008 Articles

Two good ladies

Francis Gardom considers two other members of his mythical congregation, worthy and wrong In his book Sins of the Saints Fr Rosenthal claimed that the Greek word eu-peristatos in Hebrews 12.2, often rendered 'the sin which doth so easily beset [...]

2017-09-30T20:30:04+00:00March 2008 Articles|

Geographical polity

Stephen Marsden discovers the logic of the Anglican Communion Now, let me see if I've got this straight. America is that enormous land mass the other side of the pond. Starting at the top, or the north, as I think [...]

2017-09-30T20:29:25+00:00March 2008 Articles|

Geographical polity

Stephen Marsden discovers the logic of the Anglican Communion Now, let me see if I've got this straight. America is that enormous land mass the other side of the pond. Starting at the top, or the north, as I think [...]

2017-09-30T20:27:19+00:00March 2008 Articles|

Battle for the Bible

Can it really be the case that Christians give too much authority to the Bible? George Austin takes issue with Canon Jonathan Draper's recent lecture, in which he suggested that the Bible is just one of many resources for the [...]

2017-09-30T20:08:12+00:00March 2008 Articles|

Lambeth children

The Rt Revd Alastair Redfern gives a brief rationale of the scriptural preparations for the Conference The scriptural foundation for the Lambeth Conference will be the great 'I AM' sayings of our Lord, echoing a moment of supreme revelation in [...]

2017-09-30T20:04:16+00:00March 2008 Articles|

House grab foiled

Gerry O'Brien, lay Synod member from Rochester Diocese recounts the defeat of the dioceses in their attempt to gain ownership of the parish parsonages at the February Synod The General Synod struck a blow for subsidiarity during the February Sessions [...]

2017-09-30T20:03:24+00:00March 2008 Articles|

Anti-Roman remnants

Thomas Seville CR, Synod religious member, recounts the less than encouraging debate but ultimately safe outcome of the debate on international Anglican and Roman Catholic relations The sessions of Synod in February showed the Synod capable of maturity, of good [...]

2017-09-30T19:56:36+00:00March 2008 Articles|


BIRMINGHAM St Agatha's, Stratford Road., Sparkbrook. Catholic Flagship of the Midlands. Sunday Mass 11.15. Good Liturgy. Stunning Building. Secure parking. Warm welcome. M42, junc4, A3400 to city. Tel 0121 373 0130. "If it's worth believing in, it's worth travelling for!" [...]

2017-09-30T19:56:05+00:00March 2008 Articles|


It was one of the oddities of publishing that Pears Cyclopedia was prepared to go into print for nearly a decade confidently predicting the arrival of women bishops in the Church of England in 2008. Even as late as 2005, [...]

2017-09-30T19:55:27+00:00March 2008 Articles|
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