Home/May 2017 Articles

A Courtyard in Jerusalem

Ann George recalls angelic singing by Armenians in the Old City I was shown round my prospective accommodation in the Old City by a small, plump, happy-faced woman in her 60s, dressed in an old-fashioned housecoat and with her greying [...]

2018-10-23T13:28:25+00:00May 2017 Articles|

Views, Reviews and Previews

Art   America after the Fall: Painting in the 1930s Royal Academy until 4th June 2017   If you know very little about American art in the 1930s, this show explains why. Like many things in the American century, American [...]

2018-10-22T12:54:48+00:00May 2017 Articles|

The way we live now

Christopher Smith reflects on an interesting take on our Christian future To Hampshire for my post-Easter break, where I set up a new digital TV box for my mother. Learning to use the controls, we bump into an episode of [...]

2018-10-22T12:52:46+00:00May 2017 Articles|

Secular Liturgies

Tom Sutcliffe ponders the French/English divide in household matters On my kitchen noticeboard there’s a lovely old butcher’s card, with a red embossed head of an Aberdeen Angus at the top between the phone number Battersea 5191 and ‘Established 1889’. [...]

2018-10-22T12:51:16+00:00May 2017 Articles|

Called to Live the Gospel

In this sermon, preached at his Chrism Masses in Grangetown (Sunderland), Carlin How (North Yorkshire), Manchester Cathedral and Goldthorpe (South Yorkshire), the Bishop of Beverley reminds us of our calling ‘I ask not only on behalf of these, but also [...]

2018-10-22T12:50:38+00:00May 2017 Articles|


The Prime Minister’s announcement, on Easter Tuesday, that she would seek a General Election on 8 June was that very rare thing – a well-kept secret in politics. So it is that, a little shy of a year since the [...]

2018-10-22T12:50:02+00:00May 2017 Articles|

Faith of our Fathers

Arthur Middleton on the Ascension Glory The full glory of the Risen Lord is complete when he was received up into heaven and there sat down at the right hand of God. Our two great creeds confess the Ascension and [...]

2018-10-22T12:49:25+00:00May 2017 Articles|

Mary’s Month of May

Julian Browning considers Mary’s vocation, and ours The May Devotions, honouring Mary as Queen of May, a May Crowning, all sound a bit continental to many of us. But May Devotions do not have to follow a particular form. When [...]

2018-10-22T12:48:41+00:00May 2017 Articles|

Letter to the Editor

From Mr Andrew Gray   Sir― The Church’s approach to its teaching on marriage is presented as something of conspiracy by the Revd Dr Peter Mullen (March 2017). As a General Synod lay representative for Norwich Diocese, I have been [...]

2018-10-22T12:47:47+00:00May 2017 Articles|
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