FIF Update
News from the Forward in Faith Regions Vocations Weekend The London Region of Forward in Faith are again holding a Vocations Weekend for young men aged between 18 and 24. It will take place over the weekend Friday 20th - [...]
News from the Forward in Faith Regions Vocations Weekend The London Region of Forward in Faith are again holding a Vocations Weekend for young men aged between 18 and 24. It will take place over the weekend Friday 20th - [...]
Carsten Thiede THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE of the Prayer Book Society was about to begin. This year's gathering was at the London Bible College and therefore well within my reach. As usual there was a first class menu of speakers to [...]
IN THE MAY EDITORIAL of this paper we reported the rumours, then current on the Internet, that there had been something of a bust-up at the Anglican Primates' meeting in Jerusalem in February. 'It is alleged', we wrote then, 'that [...]
John Hunwicke investigates some byways of first century sexuality DOES YOUR neighbourhood woman priest cover her head with a biretta? Are her churchwardens sexually active? Should your liberal archdeacon be castrated? These are important questions to which the present brief [...]