Home/April 2018 Articles

The armchair pilgrim

On my bookshelves there are several well leafed copies of books about the Camino. Beautiful descriptions of churches abound alongside tales of spiritual discovery as pilgrims make their way to the great shrine of St James. From the comfort of [...]

2018-10-23T12:29:30+00:00April 2018 Articles|

The Passion of the Christ

126 minutes of intense and bloody suffering The qualifications are important, but this controversial film is worth seeing. It is a big film: the colour is intense, the movement bewildering, the drama overwhelming, even the music is all-encompassingly loud. I [...]

2018-10-23T12:29:02+00:00April 2018 Articles|

Star Trekkers

A report from St Benet’s Kentish Town Gorge on this year’s Children’s Pilgrimage to Walsingham A group from our confirmation class took part over the past weekend in the Walsingham Children’s Pilgrimage. We set off on Friday afternoon and arrived [...]

2018-10-23T12:28:01+00:00April 2018 Articles|

April Diary

Thurifer travels to Spain Holy Week in Spain puts our tepid Catholicism (Roman and Anglo) into perspective. During Holy Week in Malaga, the streets are refulgent with the sweet savour of incense, perfumed with the intoxicatingly powerful scent of thousands [...]

2018-10-23T12:25:16+00:00April 2018 Articles|

Secular Liturgies

Tom Sutcliffe looks back on his musical beginnings When I attended the voice trials in the song school at Chichester Cathedral in January or February 1952 I did not do much preparation. I had never sung in a choir, but [...]

2018-10-23T12:24:51+00:00April 2018 Articles|

Views, Reviews and Previews

Art   Charles 1 King and Collector Royal Academy until 15th April   This is the Academy’s 250th Anniversary show, a spectacular which recreates the art collection of King Charles 1st. Charles collected over 1,500 paintings and 500 sculptures, most [...]

2018-10-23T12:24:18+00:00April 2018 Articles|

The way we live now

Christopher Smith reflects on freedom of speech and the proclamation of the Resurrection It sometimes amuses me to reflect on the fact that, although I have the personality type of a Labrador, I have ended up with a cat as [...]

2018-10-23T12:23:24+00:00April 2018 Articles|
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