Home/October 2001 Articles

Pro-Life Conference

Anthony Bell finds SPUC in good heart at its Newcastle Conference More than two hundred supporters gathered at Newcastle University over a weekend to take stock and plan for the future. With the prospect of further imminent anti-life legislation after [...]

Three visual delights

Anne Gardom visits three London exhibitions Rembrandt’s Women Rembrandt’s women are not beautiful. He has always been regarded as one of the great European painters, and was recognized as such in his own lifetime, but many of his contemporaries were [...]

Liturgical Trotskyism

ANALYZING the nuances of Marxist-Leninism was not one of my strong points, but I do remember that the key attraction of Trotskyism was its theme of perpetual revolution. We shall never arrive, we shall always be fighting for change; it [...]

FiF Update

A Memorable Day St Alban’s Abbey was, as we predicted, packed to the doors on Saturday, 15 September, for our constituency’s farewell to the Bishop of Richborough. Bishop Edwin was joined by the Bishops of Fulham, Ebbsfleet, Horsham, Europe and [...]


Joy and delight in Creation October is a month with a number of commemorations of well-known saints. We have among others Francis of Assisi, Paulinus of York, Ethelburga, Wilfrid of Ripon, Edward the Confessor, Teresa of Avila, Ignatius of Antioch [...]

Brute Beasts

Philip Murphy considers some advice on how to get married in Church There was a time in the Church of England when ‘brute beasts that have no understanding’ may have been a couple seeking marriage. Nowadays that title may be [...]


Geoffrey Kirk is amazed by the radical opinions of a bishop-in waiting Perhaps the most stimulating – and certainly the most controversial – book produced as a result of the first wave of feminist propaganda was Steven Goldberg's The Inevitability [...]


Saturday 15th September dawned bright and clear above the great cathedral housing the shrine of our proto-martyr Alban. To the thundering strains of Blessed City, Heavenly Salem, 130 priests and bishops raised their voices in chorus with a full nave [...]

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